Viridian Weapon Technologies
Reflex Sights Going Green by Viridian
Viridian Weapon Technologies continues to expand on the fact that human eyes see green better and has introduced reflex sights designed from the ground up to improve performance and provide rapid target acquisition.
Viridian Weapon Technologies
Viridian to Exhibit at Texas Police Chiefs Association Annual Conference
Viridian Weapon Technologies continues to educate and inform law enforcement on its FACT Duty Gun Camera, the only product designed to show what really happ ened in an officer involved shooting. This time Viridian will attend the Texas Police Chiefs Association (TCPA) 2022 Conference in Galveston Island, Texas April 11-14, 2022 and can be found in booth #210.
Viridian Weapon Technologies
Viridian Attends Minnesota Chiefs of Police Foundation Expo
Viridian Weapon Technologies is in attendance at the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association (MCPA) 2022 Executive Training Institute & Law Enforcement Expo. The event will be held in Duluth, MN and runs from April 4 to April 7. Viridian (Booth #905) will feature its FACT Duty Gun Camera, the only product designed to show what really happ ened in an officer involved shooting.