Thank you for visiting Viridian.  Unfortunately, we continue to be highly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our production, supply chain, and customer service personnel as well as unprecedented demand for firearms and all firearm accessory products that has worldwide impact on our supply chain and our order fulfillment capacity.  Due to staffing challenges, we are not currently taking calls at our customer service call center.  Please send an Email to, and we will work to respond to inquiries as quickly as we can.

Our production operation is currently running at limited capacity.  We are not able to give an exact date when full production function is returning to get customer orders scheduled, built and shipped.  Please understand that we are doing everything we can to fulfill orders. 

We understand that we have orders processed for a long period of time without fulfillment.  All customers absolutely have an option to cancel the order for a full refund at any time.  Please send an Email, and we will get a refund processed as quickly as possible.  If you choose to continue to await shipment, we appreciate your loyalty and will work to update you as soon as we have more specific details. 

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